Workshop 2012 - Home

Impromptu combinatorics workshop

Theme: Group actions on graphs

We'll be holding an impromptu mini-workshop on Saturday Nov 10, 2012. The workshop will be loosely organized around the theme of "group actions on graphs", but will also stray to wider areas of combinatorics (particularly algebraic combinatorics) and/or group theory.

The workshop in part marks the occasion of the visit of Dragan Marušič, Štefko Miklavic, Aleksander Malnič, and Klavdija Kutnar from the University of Primorska, Slovenia.

  Ted Dobson dobson .at. math , msstate , edu
  Russ Woodroofe       rwoodroofe .at. math , msstate , edu

   All talks will be held in room 411 of Allen Hall, on the Mississippi State Campus. (see on Google Maps)

Tentative schedule:
   Invited talks will be 40 minutes, with 7 minutes for questions and 3 minutes between talks.
   To see abstracts, click on the title of a talk.

  11:00-11:40 Klavdija Kutnar Classification of symmetric Tabčjn graphs
  11:50-12:30 Štefko Miklavic Distance regular Cayley graphs
  12:40-14:00 lunch (we'll caravan to the nearby McAllister's Deli)
  14:00-14:40 Erik Westlund Hamilton decompositions of Cayley graphs on abelian groups
  14:50-15:30 Kayla Harville On regular and binary matroids without small minors
  15:40-16:20 Russ Woodroofe    Vertex-decomposability of independence complexes of graphs
  18:00-whenever   Dinner/party at Ted Dobson's house

Last modified September 14, 2018